If you take spread out then we will really be playing cod, because every bullet will hit where you r aiming from every gun. The problem may be that nothing (besides lever action, bolt action or sniper rifles) is accurate enough. So the bar not being as accurate as a semi auto m-16 or an m4 is right. I thlnk that most military main battle rifle s have smaller bullets now, becauce they r more accurate at range (at least this is what the military channel shows about bullets say) Marquis T Posts: 3425 Joined: Fri 4:39 pm The BAR was not known to be a maintenance hog. And for the love of gods, increase the durability. Ideally it should be a decently accurate (0.5) semi-auto rifle when free aiming (the 19A1 BAR were select fire), and bump the burst in VATS to 3 rounds. Combine this with the laughably low durability (it's a heavy duty military weapon designed for automatic fire and trench warfare, that is 33% less durable than a civilian-issue hunting rifle firing the same cartridge?) that punishes you for actually using the thing on automatic. Its lethality at point blank range where its rounds actually connect is not appreciably better than other options (my favorite, hunting shotgun with slugs) due to its low rate of fire and imprecision, and it has absolutely no ability to project firepower at a distance. The accuracy simply is not sufficient for a weapon this heavy, shooting ammo this expensive and heavy. and true that it has less spread than most other automatics.

delivers up reasonable damage per bullet to bypass the DT problem that other automatics have without being limited to only using armor piercing rounds.

308 and should leave a lasting impression on my enemy. Not the GPMG that I wanted, but still, shoots the respectable. So I was very interested to hear about the Automatic Rifle. They either offer pathetic damage (9mm SMG), or are horrendously inaccurate (12.7mm SMG: spread = 4? lol?) or both. For automatics in F:NV, your choices are kind of limited.