cities as he races against the clock to find out who’s behind the Blacklist. Pursuing the terrorists to the far reaches of the world, Sam flies from exotic locales to U.S. He is the only secret operative with the power to act above the law, and uses ruthless methods to interrogate enemies in order to extract crucial information that will prevent the next Blacklist attack. Sam is back in his tactical suit and goggles, and he’s more deadly than ever. Sam and his team must hunt down these terrorists by any means necessary, and stop the Blacklist countdown before it reaches zero. Sam Fisher is the leader of the newly formed 4th Echelon unit: a clandestine unit that answers solely to the President of the United States. A group of 12 have had enough and initiate a terror ultimatum called the Blacklist - a deadly countdown of escalating terrorist attacks on U.S. Use the optic cable to see which room has the green package.The United States has a military presence in two thirds of countries around the world. In Machi Akko go to the bar and use the microphone and look behind you for a keycard then go back to the hallway with three doors and use it on the closet. In the Lighthouse level snipe the man on the roof but don't rappel down.

When you get him fall through the vent and exit the room smashing the door. In Hokkaido Level find the wrench and then search for the man who is shooting on the roof. Take out the guard and climb on the crate and smash open the crate next to it. In Battery Level get the wrench, and go to the U shaped room and enter the keycard room. The room will have lasers and the costume.

In Kokubo Sosho go down the elevator where lasers are at the bottom and find a ladder to climb back up.

Then jump left and go down to the next platform and look in the corner. In the Manhattan Streets level go to the open area before the penthouse and climb the pipe. In the Penthouse level go to Zherkezhi's apartment and go to the first room on the top floor then go down the long, dark hall and type 5698 in the pad. The following costumes are unlocked by completing the corresponding task during game play.